Etisalat EasyBlaze

Sunday 28 June 2015


I am appalled by the decision of the US Supreme Court to legalise same sex marriage, it is an abomination and a travesty in our society. It goes far to show how our modern day society has decayed and will continue to if not checked soon, Sodom and Gomorrah have surely awaken.

On the concept of homosexuality i do not need a Bible or Koran to counter it, mother nature, the earth has already countered it as a sin against herself. Let me enlighten you a little

For every thing that transcends this earth, mother nature has created an EQUAL, OPPOSITE and COMPLIMENTARY item for it, these items interact in a complimentary way to form a dynamic system in which the whole is greater than the assembled parts.

The earth as we know it rotates around it axis, which means it is undergoing some motion, for this motion to occur, there is an equal and opposite reaction or motion. Let me break it down for you, When you sit in your chair, your body exerts a downward force on the chair and the chair exerts an upward force on your body. There are two forces resulting from this interaction - a force on the chair and a force on your body. Another example, A car is equipped with wheels that spin. As the wheels spin, they grip the road and push the road backwards. Since forces result from mutual interactions, the road must also be pushing the wheels forward. The size of the force on the road equals the size of the force on the wheels (or car); the direction of the force on the road (backwards) is opposite the direction of the force on the wheels (forwards). For every action, there is an equal (in size) and opposite (in direction) reaction. Action-reaction force pairs make it possible for cars to move along a roadway surface.

Are you still with me, okay then let us kontinu..... Why am i talking about forces/motions bla bla bla.... Well because if one of the motion forces acting on mother earth stopped, we would all DIE!!!!!! Action-reaction pairs or force pairs, bring about motion and it is this motion that brings about LIFE!!! Without some form of pairing of these forces, we would all cease to exist.

The Chinese philosophy, yin-yang, describes how apparently opposite or contrary forces are actually complimentary, interconnected, and interdependent in the natural world, and how they give rise to each other as they interrelate to one another. Many tangible dualities such as light and darkness, fire and water, and male and female etc are thought of as physical manifestations of the duality symbolised by yin and yang. Equal and opposite in all ramifications, complimenting each other.

You are wondering where i am going with all this, be patient, read on... Now look at the Man next to you and look at the woman next to you, can't you help but notice how mother nature has equipped them with equal and opposite features yet complimenting each other in all ramifications. Let us go deeper and look at the sexual organs, a man's reproductive organ was made SOLELY and FITS PERFECTLY into a woman's, because nature designed it so. Nature designed the anus for excreting feaces and as such, cannot serve as a sexual organ.

We all know that the primary aim of sex, is to procreate, anything else is secondary. Now ask yourself, is it possible for a man and man or a woman and a woman to procreate??? Impossible!!! What then would happen if we were all gay? Would they still be humans on earth in the next say 100 years???

Two male sexual organs or female sexual organs coming together will be unproductive and are against the law of nature same way two forces acting in the same direction will remain in one place. For life to continue or rather to produce life, two equal and opposite forces, man and woman, must meet to produce life. For life to continue on earth, these equal and opposite forces must continue to act on each other. Anything other wise is contrary to Nature herself.

The Earth and Life as we know it thrives cause of the complimentary action of several forces. Life continues on Earth because this forces never cease to act on each other. Pairings can be seen in the case of the Penis fitting so perfectly well in the Vagina. What basis can one use to explain homosexuality NOT being a psychiatric condition??? Never the less, if a full grown woman or man decide they want to be with someone of same sex, then my best bet is to let them be. i don't think they should be jailed or crucified, i think they should be shown the love they missed and need so they can see the truth they are running away from. But the fact still remains, homosexuality in any form is very very unnatural and very very wrong, until the day a man impregnates another man and that man gives birth, then i will accept homosexuality, until then, i classify it an abnormality and sin to mother nature.


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